The concern about the potential harm of frequent dental X-rays is a common one among patients. A Miami cosmetic dentist office explains that while dental X-rays do involve exposure to radiation, the amount is extremely low, especially with modern digital X-ray technology. The American Dental Association also suggests that the benefits of these X-rays, which help in diagnosing and treating dental issues early, far outweigh the risks. However, it's important for dental practices to adhere to the principle of ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) to minimize exposure. This includes using protective lead aprons and thyroid collars. Pregnant women and young children are typically given X-rays less frequently. In conclusion, when used judiciously and with proper safety measures, frequent dental X-rays are not considered harmful.
Basically, while dental x-rays expose you to certain radiation, the benefits of doing them outweigh the risks. X-rays are a type of ionizing radiation and ionizing radiation has been shown to cause cancer. Ionizing radiation, when passing through the body, removes electrons from atoms that this energy passes through. The resulting protons, known as free radicals, can damage the body's cells.
Although these cells return to normal most of the time, the cells rarely heal with some abnormalities. These abnormal cells can then develop into cancer. From this alone, people believe that dental x-rays can cause cancer. Radiation exposure builds up over time, so people should avoid excessive x-rays if possible.
Annual dental x-rays are not dangerous. If a patient has a medical condition that requires frequent x-rays, they should notify their dentist. During pregnancy, you may need to have x-rays taken as part of your treatment plan for dental disease. I suppose that if you have a problem with a tooth or gums, the dentist can x-ray as many teeth as they think they need within the limits of the patient's dental insurance.
You may be one of those people who, for a variety of reasons, is especially vulnerable to tooth decay and gum disease. My dentist can't see cavities unless he uses x-rays, so he says and then, if I ask any questions, he charges me a consultation fee of $62.00, so I don't ask questions, I'm now looking for a new dentist. I have had many treatments and at least 30 x-rays over a period of one year have a spot on each side of my face. The dentist said it didn't hurt to go to the dermatologist soon to see if I had skin cancer.
Insurance companies set their number of payable x-rays based on the x-rays they consider reasonably necessary to prevent and restore common dental problems. However, as I published before, I refused after the dental assistant had to take several x-rays of the same location, because they couldn't do it right the first time. Dental professionals should examine the patient's entire oral structure to develop a well-informed diagnosis and treatment plan. Dental x-rays, he points out, are needed to identify hidden dental cavities, for example, in areas between teeth or under old fillings and crowns.
The dentist told me that “a full mouth x-ray meant 18 x-rays, which seemed excessive to me and were not necessary to complete my visit to the dentist, which was for dental cleaning. Articles were identified that reported a correlation between exposure to dental diagnostic x-rays and the general health of dentists. Last year, after receiving a similar number of dental x-rays, I developed a couple of skin cancers on the same side of my face that had to be removed. Image Gently, a campaign designed to facilitate conversations with dental and medical professionals, has developed this brochure to help answer some common questions you may have.
Dental x-rays are a useful diagnostic tool to help the dentist detect damage and diseases that are not visible during a regular dental exam.